CTT ALERT (6/1/22, 11:42 AM): Please see CHRB Notice re AMendment to Rule 1652, Prohibited Actions with Respect to Claims, Effective 7/1/2022: https://tinyurl.com/m7z2v7uw
CTT Alert (6/3/22, 12:54 PM): The Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA) has begun implementation of various safety requirements and regulations nationwide. Please see Paulick Report interview of HISA reps addressing immediate horsemen’s requirements & deadlines effective July 1, 2022: https://youtu.be/uh0OIoYWD_g
CTT ALERT (6/7/22, 10:57 AM): The HISA registration deadline of 7/1/2022 is fast approaching. For more info, see the helpful links to two recent Q&A sessions conducted by TDN with HISA representatives about horsemen’s registration requirements nationwide: https://tinyurl.com/3865wu32;
CTT Alert (6/7/22, 3:01 PM): Help ensure Exercise Rider fitness/safety. Exercise Riders must register **now** for mandatory fitness test! Questions: call Post Time Self Insurance at 714-820-2743.
URGENT ALERT (6/8/22, 10:09 AM): The Association of Racing Commissioners Int’l (ARCI) reports that claiming scams have surfaced at various tracks. Please see link for important details: https://tinyurl.com/3wje5wtf
CTT ALERT (6/8/22, 10:45 AM): CHRB Continuing Ed Webinar re Equine “Lumbar Back Injuries,” TUES, 6/14/2022, 4 PM PST, via ZOOM, computer or smartphone ONLY. Earns ONE HOUR CE Credit. Please invite your Assist. Trainer to attend. Register NOW (a confirmation email from Rick Arthur will follow): https://tinyurl.com/3c4fdt4k
CTT ALERT (6/9/22, 2:21 PM): Important CTT statewide secure teleconference for licensed trainers and invited guests re HISA requirements – to be held on WED, 6/15/2022, at 10:30 AM . Trainers may inform their assistant trainers to attend. See details: https://tinyurl.com/2pd3nczw
CTT Alert (6/10/22, 11:11 AM): HISA Anti-Doping and Medication Control. See link for Q&A session conducted by TDN: https://tinyurl.com/bu5xmnf
Reminder: (6/14/22, 1:03 PM): CTT statewide secure teleconference for licensed trainers, asst. trainers, & invited guests re HISA requirements. HISA reps will be on call to answer questions. Please see HISA summary info & meeting detail: https://tinyurl.com/yckyduur & https://tinyurl.com/2pd3nczw (Meeting call-in numbers to be texted out tomorrow morning.)
REMINDER (6/15/22, 10:05 AM): Call-in info for TODAY’S teleconference at 10:30 AM re HISA Requirements: Dial: 800-245-3047 Conference ID: 65567 Please have your CHRB license number available as part of the call-in process. Any difficulties connecting to the teleconference, call or text Angie at 323-243-9379.
CTT Alert(6/20/22, 1:27 PM): Are you an owner as well as a trainer, or do any of your owners need help registering as covered persons for HISA? Please refer to the OwnerView’s webinar on registration with HISA (held 6/16/22, as part of the virtual Thoroughbred Owner Conference series) – now available for viewing at: https://tinyurl.com/uce8yjrm
CTT ALERT:(6/22/22, 11:17 AM): Attention California Horsemen: If you are not signed up for HISA, Los Alamitos has a workspace set up in the administrative office and an employee on standby to help with any and all needs.
CTT ALERT (6/23/22 9:43 AM: Released today – HISA Announcement Concerning Enforcement of Racetrack Safety Rules and Registration Requirements: https://tinyurl.com/nysr9xrd
CTT ALERT (6/24/22 2:34 PM): If you are not signed up yet for HISA, for help in NOR CAL, you may contact Tom Doutrich (Bomber), Racing Sec’y, 415-271-4613, or Juliana Gomes, Dir of Racing Operations, 559-917-6775. REMINDER: at LOS ALAMITOS, there is a workspace set up in the administrative office and an employee on standby to help with any and all needs.
ATTEN TRAINERS (6/28/22, 9:28 AM): Register as a trainer, and register your horses with HISA. Make sure your owners register. After July 1, horses will not be allowed to run until you, the horse, its owner, and the assigned jockey is registered. See HISA link to register: https://tinyurl.com/cymn8ch6 HISA support line 24/7: (877) 513-2929
CTT Alert (6/29/22, 5:32 PM): Just released! HISA Trainer Handbook Version 1.01 now available at: https://tinyurl.com/ycktn85h