The loss of David Hofmans, Vice President of California Thoroughbred Trainers [CTT], not only leaves our organization bereft, but also deprives our entire sport of the dignity, good humor, vast experience, and professionalism he brought to it.

Any recitation of his numerous wins and accomplishments at all levels of racing couldn’t possibly convey the respect his fellow trainers and his clients will always have for him.  He was an exemplar of horsemanship, judgment, and the heritage of all the best qualities of racing and humanity.

On behalf of the CTT Board of Directors
Eoin Harty, President
Alan Balch, Executive Director

CTT is committed to supporting California Thoroughbred Racing & California’s Thoroughbred Trainers.

Our mission is to:

  • Foster, promote, and otherwise encourage a healthy economic climate and public acceptance of the Thoroughbred horse racing industry, as well as productive, positive relations among its participants
  • Work for the improvement of living and working conditions for the employees of members
  • Provide retirement benefits for those who have devoted a significant portion of their working careers caring for horses at racetracks in the State of California
  • Protect the safety and general welfare of members, their stable personnel and their horses
  • Work with racetrack management to ensure acceptable training and stable area conditions, proper emergency procedures, responsible vanning service, and reasonable stabling schedules
  • Represent the interests and rights of our members in any matters with any industry-related organization on issues involving our members’ interests
  • Represent the interests of members in any matters with any local, state, or federal government and any agency thereof and any racing commission
  • Inform and educate our members and other segments of the industry regarding any matter important to the interests of members and other segments of the industry
  • Foster a better understanding of the industry by the public and by the horse racing community
  • Arrange for publications, seminars and any other activities or services which will achieve such purposes
  • Otherwise assist our members in any matters affecting their interests in the Thoroughbred horse racing industry in the State of California.