
of Rule 1867, Prohibited Veterinary Practices, effective NOVEMBER 8, 2023:


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California Thoroughbred Trainers (CTT) is the state-authorized organization formed for the express purpose of representing the best interests of our member trainers to the California Horse Racing Board (CHRB), the racing associations, various racing entities, and the general public. All California-licensed Thoroughbred trainers automatically become members when starting a horse for the first time. There are no applications to complete or dues to pay — we are here to advocate for them, assist them, and support them in the hard work they do to take care of the elite racing horses of our industry and sport.
Our predecessor organization, the National Horsemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association (HBPA), was founded in 1940 to provide assistance to owners, trainers, and stable employees “in times of illness, adversity, or sudden disaster.” Seven years later, the HBPA-California Division was established to support Thoroughbred owners and trainers in increased influence in the development of the Thoroughbred racing industry in California. In 1995, statutory representation of horsemen in California was changed, and CTT began its current representation of all California Thoroughbred trainers and the backstretch community.
Our original purpose of aiding, assisting and advocating for California trainers remains at the core of our work, and over time, we’ve expanded the scope of our activities and services.
Today CTT provides trainers with numerous, important complimentary services. This includes, but is not limited to:
… and much more
Our onging projects:
Other programs offered by CTT include:
How is CTT Organized?
The state of California is divided (just south of Fresno) into two administrative areas: Southern and Northern California.
CTT is headed by a nine-member Board of Directors elected by vote of the membership, with at least three directors elected to represent Northern California.
Staff is available in both Northern and Southern California to provide assistance and information to the membership at their request, as well as to manage the Board’s projects. We are also available to answer questions and assist the public with matters involving everything from selecting a trainer to finding a job on the backstretch.
Southern CA (Main Administrative Office)
Santa Anita Park
285 W. Huntington Drive
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 447-2145
Northern CA
Golden Gate Fields
1100 Eastshore Highway
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 524-3081